Sunday, February 17, 2008

What would you like to see in season five?

Since this question is much to large for the poll, which, by the way, has garnered an impressive amount of sixty votes. Which is amazing for our first outing as a blog. To everyone voting: you did awesome work on the poll, and it was split between the main two. You'll hear me talk more later about the poll - which ends tonight - so vote while you can!

Back to the main subject, I'd love to hear what you'd like to see in the fifth season for the gang. Sound off below in the comments section!


  • Billy Walsh has final cut on Medellin.
  • Ari isn't happy with Medellin.
  • Drama's a hit, Vince isn't. Could we see a change in the Vinnie-dominant household?


Blogger Unknown said...

Dont bring those HARD CORE DRUG ideas for season 5 thats not the direction of the show

-Vince getting into a fight (i just wanna see how he would fight)

-Some more interaction between Vince and Turtle (i mean Drama and Vince intereact alot cuz they brothers,E and Vince because there best friends and E is his manager. But turtle and vince dont interact that much besides "What About Bob"

-maybe vince getting into a rivalry with another Hollywood star

-Maybe turtle taking Vince's girl.....just the irony of that concept would be a funny episode idea...

-Vince and Drama doing a brother-brother movie

-Maybe E writing a script

February 18, 2008 at 1:02 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I think the brother/brother quip has been a running gag throughout the show. Could happen.

February 18, 2008 at 2:08 PM  
Blogger samiott said...

As I posted in an IMDB thread...
They need to add more of what's going on in the real "Hollywood" today. The paparazzi following Vince and the gang. Show the clever ways they try to trick and get around the paps. Vince or Drama showing up in a scandalous cover story... Could you imagine if the paps picked on Drama with a headline "Drama Queen" lol or something like that... They need to have celeb type problems. Give Turtle the "crabs" and then spread it around the gang where they're all kind of pissed at him... lol I don't know really, but I'd kind of like to see these story lines in the show.

March 4, 2008 at 9:06 PM  

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