5.08 - First Class Jerk - Review

What Happened This Week? Turtle miraculously scored Jamie-Lynn Sigler's number; Ari unselfishly vetoed the idea of replacing Alan and ushered in new management: Dana.
The Funniest Line? One that I'm still chuckling over? "Why would she fuck someone who's built like a South Park character?!"
What Made This Episode? Ari Gold had to wrestle with some inner turmoil and had to suffer through a crowd pleasing beat down by Lloyd. It's welcomed change, especially because it's Lloyd. And even after being put down, Ari seemed a tad bit proud.
Gripes? She was needed for Drama's galavanting around town, but that was about it.
Funniest Cameo? Holy shit, it's Frank Darabont! Allow me to repeat myself: holy shit, it's Frank Darabont! I can't even imagine how hard securing that cameo must have been.
Madame President: You must now suffer through my incessant gloating. I was correct. Ari took himself out of the running for Alan's position and let Dana swoop in. With that, Ari now has a film for Vince and he can easily slip back into his usual antics.
Overall Opinion? Great work. It's as simple as that.
Next Week? Production is starting on Smokejumpers; Ari's old friend, Andrew Klein, comes to town.
While watching Entourage tonight, I was reminded of a game of chess. Although I do not play the game, I understand the general concept. Everytime one piece is moved, the game changes. Make the right moves, and you defeat your competitor.
Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) proved tonight that he is the ultimate Chess King. He trumped his enemies (Amanda Daniels played by Carla Gugino and Josh Weinstein played by Joshua LeBar) by making just the right move at the right time.
Struggling with his decision to take a 10 million dollar offer to take over Warners (we should all have such dilemas in today's economy), Ari first tried to engage Amanda in a game of chess. He told her he would let her win, if she agreed to cast Vincent in Smoke Jumpers. But, Amanda was having none of it. Pride wouldn't allow her to make a deal that would allow her ex-client (and ex-lover) and her biggest competitor get back in the game.
So, Ari took her out of the game in 2 moves. First, he brought frienemy Dana Gordon (Constance Zimmer) back into the mix. Hoping just to be Ari's 2nd, Dana Gordon may not have even imagined that she herself had a shot at the head of Warners. Ari was able to put a mate/checkmate move and get Dana the job of a lifetime and Vincent (Adrian Grenier) a 2nd chance at the life he always wanted.
The end of Entourage left us in a Win-Win situation for the first time all season.
I would feel bad about Turtle and Jamie-Lynn Zigler, except we know she will be back (and that Jerry Ferrara and she are dating in real life). Plus, either way, he will have a story for a lifetime.
It ws interesting to see Eric Murphy (Kevin Connolly) engage in busines with Josh Weinstein. E has to walk a thin line, if he thinks that Josh will have work for one of his clients in the future. After all, he has 2 other clients (Bow Wow will be back next week).
Ari's "work spouse" Lloyd and Mrs. Ari both confirmed what we already knew- Ari Gold was more interested in being his own man than making money. If it really was able the money, he would have dropped Vincent Chase a long time ago.
I would say that Ari Gold was able to yell "checkmate" at the end of the episode, but checkmate means the "the king is ambushed". And, in actually, the opposite occured. Because, after all, Ari Gold is king. Long live the king!
It wasn't as good as last weeks but still a great episode. I think the Dana handjob line was the funniest myself. The Jaimie-Turtle thing got a little played, because I thought it was obvious that once he said it, it was true. I'd rather have him be with Lauren London but this is ok, I guess. Truthfully, I'm more excited for next weeks episode than any other this season. Vince actually ACTING is what I wanna see...oh, and I also thought it was a nice little line where Vince says "I don't want to be stuck playing the same character for the next five years." I wonder how Adrian and the rest of the cast actually feels...
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